WILDFIRE | I’ll meet you in the field: Nikki Leigh McKean
"Femininity is within. I am more than just this body. I am healthy. I am learning. I am growing. I am confused. I am still. I am rage. I am calm. I am a dreamer. I am at peace. Pain. Suffering. Understanding. Surrender.”
Read More: https://www.feelthat.ca/wildfire
Purchase a copy: https://www.wildfirecommunity.org/shop/identity20
this is it actually. Podcast By jeni b. | this is BOOBS actually.
I share my story on BOOBS and where I was when I was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer and then Breast Cancer cancer on @thisisitactually Podcast. Here is the thing… “Women are not just their bodies and their breasts and whatever they come with. The power of femininity is within.” Reconstruction after cancer is NOT a free boob job. Let’s be CLEAR. It’s not as easy as piecing body parts back together; the entire process is devastating.
Listen": https://anchor.fm/thisisitactually/episodes/this-is-BOOBS-actually
Conversations Matter | Nikki Leigh McKean
In Episode 13, Hans and Molly interview Nikki McKean — a photographer, restaurant owner, wife, and mother of two young girls who has lived through two cancer diagnoses in two years. In this episode, Nikki describes how she came alive through an experience that may have otherwise left her feeling broken. She shares her journey through recovery, which culminated in her Let’s Radiate Project, the creative endeavor born out of her second cancer diagnosis. This episode dives deep into healing trauma, the art of deep listening, reframing suffering, and practicing how to be comfortable being uncomfortable.
Listen": https://conversationsmatterpodcast.com/nikki-mckean/
KNIX | Campaign 2019
Toronto | Calgary | Ottawa | Vancouver
Nikki Leigh McKean, Joanna Griffiths (KNIX), Sarah Nicole Landry
the lift by KNIX | In Her Own Words: Nikki Leigh McKean
"I think throughout this experience what sticks out the most is that I have seen many people rise to a greater understanding that we are all responsible for our own healing and decision making. In the end we need to make the best decision for ourselves, but having a tight community to help support that decision is key. My hope out of all of this is to inspire both men and women to follow their heart and trust what their own knowingness is telling them. Find a community that will ‘just listen’ but have the skills to push you out of your comfort zone when life gets tough. Let’s live in a world where we support and release the judgement - we are just mirrors of one another after all. If something is really bothering you, I invite you to ask yourself and challenge yourself to ‘why it is so’.”
Read More: https://knix.com/blogs/knix-blog/in-her-own-words-nikki-leigh-mckean
ROMPER | 11 Photos Of Women With Double Mastectomies That Show The Beauty In Bravery
"October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so it's likely you've already seen an abundance of pink ribbons and commercials for research walks. The reality of the disease can get lost in these campaigns at times, with a cognitive dissonance separating people from what cancer is actually like. But these photos of women who have had double mastectomies highlight just how intensely breast cancer can change a woman's body.”
Read More: https://www.romper.com/p/11-photos-of-women-with-double-mastectomies-that-show-the-beauty-in-bravery
KNIX | Support the Girls Campaign 2018
“My body was screaming to heal. It was telling me not to put any more unnatural things into it. I didn’t want more surgery than I needed. Women are not just their bodies and their breasts and whatever they come with. The power of femininity is within.” - Nikki
During October, 5% of sales from the limited edition Rethink Collection will go to support @rethinkbreastcancer. Plus, use the code RETHINK with any purchase on Knix.ca and Knix will donate an extra $5.
Read More: https://knix.com/blogs/knix-blog/breast-cancer-badasses
Read More: https://www.fastcompany.com/90249128/can-knix-win-the-12-billion-underwear-wars
TENTH MOON | Raising Babies + Fighting Cancer
“It has tested my mind and body like nothing else. Trying to heal and create an environment that is nurturing and quiet and then add in two screaming toddlers.”
Read More: https://tenthmoon.com/motherhood/breast-cancer-awareness-raising-babies-fighting-cancer/
"Cancer forced me to be a student of life. It has and will continue to bring unforeseen challenges to me physically, emotionally and spiritually. I have experienced some of the darkest sides of me but I have also witnessed some of the brightest light coming out of me and others, and that, I am grateful for." - Nikki
Read More: https://rethinkbreastcancer.com/forgoing-reconstruction-meet-nikki/
BEST HEALTH | ‘I Needed to Grieve the Loss of My Breasts’
“Cancer and treatment has the ability to unlock the beauty and beast in every living thing that touches you. It touches parts of your physical and spiritual being that you never thought was imaginable. It tests you. It brings you so close to the feeling of death you can smell it, taste it. And then, moments later you find yourself stopped in the middle of a crazy street during rush hour while staring at a newly bloomed flower blowing in the wind.” - Nikki
Read More: https://www.besthealthmag.ca/best-you/health/i-needed-to-grieve-the-loss-of-my-breasts/
MISC Magazine | Feelings at Play
" The forms of play in Let’s Radiate are about more than enjoyment and entertainment. To play with practices of radiating love and light for oneself and others is about grappling with existence in its complexities. Nikki has animated worldly sets of relating that begin with feeling in its rawest sense – not for anyone or toward any prefigured end. This is playing with the very substance of being – a critical and radial act for people living with diseases like cancer, who are often forced to focus on preserving their life, not playing with it." - MISC magazine
Read More: https://miscmagazine.com/feelings-at-play/
TORONTO STAR | Toronto women fighting cancer with a dose of positivity
“I thought, ‘How would being here every day be worth it?’. . . I need something to do, I need it to have meaning, I need to share it with the people I love and it needs to have meaning to them.” She says the kit is a compilation of everything that is helping her get through cancer and thinks it might benefit others also struggling with health challenges. - TORONTO STAR
Read More: https://www.thestar.com/life/2017/12/30/toronto-women-fighting-cancer-with-a-dose-of-positivity.html
Finding time to be very still and quiet, in order to cut out the outside news and tune into her inner voice, has been a vital exercise for Nikki’s ongoing healing. “Before doctor’s appointments, I was really strict with quiet time. No children, no husband, no one. We’re so mouldable! Through fear, through opinions, through experience–and all of those things can be really helpful. But sometimes it’s important to know intuitively what feels good to you,” says Nikki, whose daily practices of meditation and yoga have helped her honour her body. For a while, Nikki felt as though her body was failing her, but through the help of a trusted mentor, and by listening carefully, she realized that it was doing the opposite: it was working so hard for her. “It’s so resilient if you let it be.” - She Does The City
Read More: http://www.shedoesthecity.com/body-confidence-cancer-swimco-photoshoot-carolyn-nikki